St. Xavier’s Public School (Senior Secondary, CBSE Affiliation No: 930590)
Digital classrooms have undeniably become the most effectively used learning solutions in a short span of time. Due to the innovative approach, layered structure and pedagogy, it has been awarded and appreciated at different forums. Smart Classes have exposed the students to 21st-century teaching-learning environment. By amalgamating state-of-the-art infrastructure and professionally developed content, Smart Classes transform the conventional classrooms to an advanced student-centric online learning environment.
The smart class follows a comprehensive method of learning, practice, and test for deep immersive learning. It uses various tools like animations, videos, and virtual labs to make learning easy and engaging.
Technology benefitted us in every aspect of our life right from communication to education. In ancient days students were taught in a gurukul where they were taught by the gurus. But this system was replaced by modernized culture. New methods of teaching have been introduced which is known as smart class. It uses the instructional material, 3D animated modules, and videos, and all the renowned schools are using this concept. Now the students are thrilled with this concept of innovation and interactive learning process. The concept of the digitized classroom has not only made education interesting but a chance to students to enhance their performance.
Smart class is designed to help you study the way you want, such as using audio-visual content than textual content, viewing step-by-step videos to perform lab experiments, performing activities in a simulated environment, testing your knowledge via online tests and getting instant feedback.
The smart class creates a holistic learning environment that makes learning an engaging and interesting process. This is the only solution of its kind whose efficacy has been endorsed by an independent world-renowned agency.
Various club activities are organized in our school giving an opportunity for the students to display their talents. These club activities are highly appreciable. It enhances the students’ innate wisdom and talents. The main focus of these clubs is the all-around development of the children. Every first Thursday of the month these clubs are organized under the supervision of the particular subject teachers.
Quizzing is the art of the intellect. General Knowledge contributes to personal enrichment and a better understanding of the world as a whole. The quiz club aims at identifying those students, talented in the quiz and creating opportunities for them to sharpen their quizzing skills. The quiz club is to update the knowledge of the students in various fields like academic, general knowledge, analytical abilities, quantitative reasoning etc. Members of the quiz club have to maintain a diary in that they note down points from major topics like literature, science, sports, maths etc.
We focus to provide an opportunity for our children through our school sports club. It helps the children to learn skills that will help them in school, as well as in their future careers and personal relationship. Through the active participation in sports, they learn leadership, teamwork, problem-solving, responsibility, self-discipline, and a sense of initiative. Structured activities, such as organized sports and games are linked to lower the levels of antisocial behavior in children. Indeed, it can help them to develop important social skills such as good citizenship, positive peer relations and respect for authority through learning to interact not only with other children their age but also with elderly persons.
A few silent moments can be enjoyed and experienced in the library with the amazing collections of Encyclopedias, World Books, Comics, Books of amazing Facts, as well as other fiction and non-fiction books suitable to our children’s age and interest. This School Library is upgraded every year. The library provides an environment to inspire interest and instill a growing appetite for books.
The need for safe passage of each child to school and back home is of paramount importance to us. To ensure safe travel the school has its own buses designed as per standards and manned by trained drivers and personnel sensitized to the needs of small children. The Transport Service (optional) is operated by the school and a separate transport fee is charged for this. For supervision and monitoring, a transport attendant is on board throughout the journey.
Rules Governing Transport Facility