The Investiture Ceremony for the academic session 2023-24 was held on 26th June-2023 with great pomp and dignity. The ceremony was administered by our beloved Principal, Rev. Fr. Aneesh Kannamkunnel cmf, our manager, Rev. Fr. Jijo Machukuzhiyil cmf, our administrator, Rev. Fr. Joice Aattuchalil cmf, and Rev. Fr. Vinil Kurisuthara cmf. The ceremony was held with zeal and enthusiasm. The elected Head Girl, Kumari Riya Martin and Head boy, Master Gautham Harish introduced themselves and they were conferred with badges and sashes by honourable chief guest, Mr. Saji Varghese, Sub Inspector of Police, Koratty Station. The captains and vice captains of the four houses were also honored and congratulated. The ceremony came to an end with the National Anthem.